Pests > Pests Entities > Bacteria > Basal rot of banana, India
Pests Pests Entities Bacteria Basal rot of banana, India
Basal rot of banana, India
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August 2015. Banana planted with drip irrigation in June, and then at the end cof July there was heavy rain for 5-6 days. Afterwards, many plants showed basal rots, and we gave validamycin through the irrigation system. The basal rots emitted a strong smell. What is the cause?
A paper was sent entitled: DL Tomlinson, GA King, A Ovia (1987) Bacterial corm and rhizome rot of banana (Musaspp.) in Papua New Guinea caused by Erwinia chrysanthemi. pp. 196-199. The Abstract of the paper is as follows:
Biochemical and pathogenicity tests identified Erwinia chrysanthemias the causal organism of a serious corm and rhizome rot of banana in lowland Papua New Guinea. The pathogen was repeatedly isolated from diseased tissue and soil surrounding diseased plants, but not from healthy corms or field soil. E. carotovorasubsp. carotovorawas often a co???isolate with E. chrysanthemibut pathogenicity tests indicated a minor role for this organism in the disease. Observations of disease incidence in 10 banana cultivars indicated significant differences in disease susceptibility between newly planted corms and established plants, diploids versus triploids and AAA versusABB genotypes.